Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy 2 months Bailey!

Today is Bailey's 2 month Birthday! I wish I had some 2 month old pictures to put up, but since my computer that I usually put my pictures on to is at the doctor, those will have to wait. I will include some pictures from my cell phone that I have taken the past few days though.

But first, I need to update you all on our big week last week!! I went back to work on Wednesday which became easier as the day went on. I said goodbye to Bailey and cried halfway to work and then got it together. I knew she was in good hands with Wes but was so sad that our time together all day everyday was over. I then told myself that I have the month of October to work then I am off all of November, that made me feel will be a long month. Thursday was easier but still got a little choked up when I had to say goodbye. It has been really nice for Wes to spend time with Bailey without me there. I have seen them connect more and become even better buddies, in just the two days they spent alone. Wes also realized that it is not always easy being with her all day. I think he now realizes the frustration when every time you go to do something, she cries and needs something. He knew it before, but now he is truly experiencing it. I am glad he fully understands now :).

Friday was her first day of daycare. When getting her ready and to daycare, I was in too much of a hurry to get sad... well until I realized I actually had to leave her there and walk to my car empty handed. The daycare lady, Deanna, is very nice and is so great with Bailey. She has the kitchen all decked out with a swing, bouncer, and pack n play for Bailey. I knew she was in good hands but when I had to kiss her goodbye and leave her there, I got so sad. I held it in until I got to my car, then lost it. I texted Wes a picture of Bailey and he said he was sad and missed her, that made me lose it even more. Wes doesn't get sad very often so when he does, it makes me more sad. I got through the day and finally got to pick her up! Deanna said that she was very easy and all the other kids were consumed by her all day. They would just watch her. She also was impressed with how strong her head was and how alert she is. She mentioned that in the 10 or so years she has been doing daycare, she is one of the easiest babies she has taken care of! That makes me feel so much better about leaving her now because I know she will be a good girl.

So Wednesday Bailey went to the doctor for her 2 month check up and shots. She weight 9 pounds 7 ounces, which was lighter than I thought she would be. She is in the 25th percentile for both weight and height. The doctor was also impressed with her head control and strength. I am so proud of Bailey, everyone keeps saying how awesome she is doing. Doctor didn't see anything wrong, so that is great news! The shots did make her super out of it and sleepy, along with a lovely fever. I took her temp and it was 100, I was so sad for her. We got it to go down and then she was back to her normal self. Wes said that he had to turn away when she was getting her shots, he sure has become a softy with her around!

Today I took Bailey out to see some family and friends and I am in awe of how great she does around different people. She was smiling and "talking" so much today. I am so thankful I have a happy and easy baby! *knock on wood*

Here are some pictures for you! I hope to get my laptop soon because I have a cute video to upload.

Bailey all ready for her first day of daycare

Tummy time :)

Sleepy Bailey

Caden holding his cousin for the first time! He is a pro :)

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