Bailey turned 12 weeks this week and Wes did another photo shoot.
Bailey makes me such a proud and happy mom every single day. I can't stop looking at all her pictures, she is the best thing ever! So last post I talked about her about to roll over. When she was doing tummy time on her play mat, she rolled from her belly to her back!! I wanted to grab my camera but I didn't want to move because I didn't want her to stop. Wes saw it happen too!! We were pretty excited, now she needs to roll from her back to her belly.
Since I have been pretty sick, we decided to move Bailey into her room earlier so she wasn't in a germ infested room. The first night, she slept 9.5 hours straight! The next two nights she only woke up once after about 4 hours to eat, then slept another 4 or 5 hours. I thought that it would be harder to have her in another room, but honestly, I like it a lot. I don't have to tip toe around our room when I am in there and we feel like we have our room back. This morning I was laying in my bedroom just listening to her talking in her room and let me tell you, it is now one of my favorite sounds.
Tonight Wes and I carved pumpkins and watched the Nevada game on t.v. Everyone is posting their pictures of themselves going out in their costumes and I got to thinking about it, I would so much rather be at home with Wes and Bailey than out and about in a Halloween costume. It is amazing how our life has changed and completely for the better. We adore our little girl to pieces and could sit and stare at her all night long. We have an amazing little family!
We took pictures of Bailey with the pumpkins Wes got from the store. I didn't find a costume for her that was cheap enough so I just got her two Halloween outfits. She is too young to take Trick-or-treating so she doesn't need a costume just yet.
Here are pictures from this week!