I am very happy that Bailey was able to meet her great grandparents and also spend a great deal of time with her grandparents (Nana and Pops). Everyone seemed to really have a blast with Bailey. I was very happy with how great Bailey did with being around so many new people and things, as well as getting handed off all week like a football. We just feel bad that she had to sit in the car for so long on the road trip there and back (she did an awesome job though!!!). We got VERY lucky and never hit any snowy roads.
Our trip to L.A. ...
After the rain cleared a bit, and before the major down pour, we went to visit Jen and her parents...
RIGHT after we got back to my parents to feed little miss Bailey, we had a HUGE downpour which resulted in the patio flooding up to the sliding doors. This was a common occurrence when it rained during my childhood. My dad already had the pump ready for Wes to turn on so we didn't end up with a dining room full of water. After the calm of the storm, we went to see Santa...along with 50 other kids. We decided food was more important than waiting about an hour and a half to take an overpriced picture with a Santa that Bailey would never remember. So we went and got some yummy and very large hamburgers with Nana and Pops.
The next day (Thursday) we had set aside some time to see my Grandparents. We had a few minutes before our "appointment" with them, so we decided to see Jen Jen since she lives right down the street from them. I was glad Jen got to see her again since her visit the day before was WAY too short, being her Godmother and all.
XOXO Auntie Jen Jen!
We got to Grandma and Grandpa's and spent some time with them. It means SO much to us that Bailey was able to meet her Great Grandparents. We put Bailey on the floor to play and just hang out. She kept staring at my grandpa and giving him the biggest smiles, she sure was intrigued by him. It truly did warm my heart. I got some pictures of her with them, which was a main goal of the trip!
I love this one of them...
By the time we handed her over to her Great Grandpa, she was getting hungry and fussy. I am bummed because I wanted HAPPY pictures of her, but at least we got some pictures...that is all that matters.
Since we didn't get Bailey's picture with the mall Santa, we decided the next best thing was a picture of the singing/dancing Santa at my Grandparents...
Family photo with dancing Santa...
On Christmas Eve (which was the day we celebrated Christmas) we started out with breakfast with Danny and Erin before we headed to the cemetery to visit mom. After our visit at the cemetery, we met up with Ali-Sun and Tyler at the Hot Dog Show (Papoo's). Wes and I make sure we hit up my favorite childhood place to eat every time we go to L.A.
Bailey sure does love Uncle Danny's beard!
Back to the house to get ready for our Christmas celebration!
Present time! (Wes, Danny, Ali-Sun, and Erin)
Here is the 1st present we opened...
We then changed Bailey into outfit #3 of the day...
Hanging with Pops after Christmas dinner (in outfit #4)...
Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!!
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