Happy 2 weeks to our precious baby girl! I still need to fix the blocks so when you read weeks, it doesn't look like w_e_s, soon enough.
This week has been a lot easier for the most part and even more jam packed with excitement. Here are some of the highlights from this week:
Pops and Nana's visit
(the names they picked to be called :) )
Wes and Bailey tried out the play mat from Uncle Spidey when they were here...
Doctor updates
Bailey gained about 6 ounces in 2 days after we got the breast feeding down. So that was great to hear. Bailey and I went in yesterday for her 2 week check up without Wes, let me just say, I give lots of respect to all the single parents because that was hard work! It took me a long time to get me and her both ready. Once I finally found an outfit I felt comfortable in and got her washed up and changed, I was proud we would be early getting out the door easily...boy was I wrong. While I was getting ready I could tell she wasn't feeling so hot, but after getting her ready she looked much better. I had her in my arms and said "aw Bailey you feel better now?" and her answer was puking all over me and her cute little purple outfit (maybe she just takes after her Grandma Vick and hates purple). I just looked down in disbelief that this was actually happening. Here's her first puking episode...many more to come in her future.
I had about 5-10 min to get out the door before I was actually LATE (I hate being late...need to be early to pretty much everything). I was able to get her and I both cleaned up and changed and out the door in time to get to the doctors a few minutes early. Of course this had to happen the first day taking her out by myself.
The doctors went well. She would have probably weighed her birth weight, but from the puking right before and almost peeing all over the doctor before she got weighed, she was a bit under. With that happening she still weighed 11 ounces more than last time (5 days prior), so gaining about a pound in a week! I am so happy she is finally gaining weight. Since she DIDN'T weigh her birth weight (she DID weigh more than what she did when we left hospital), her doc wants to see her next week to check her weight. She also grew about a half inch taller since birth. Everything else looks great she said.

The doctors went well. She would have probably weighed her birth weight, but from the puking right before and almost peeing all over the doctor before she got weighed, she was a bit under. With that happening she still weighed 11 ounces more than last time (5 days prior), so gaining about a pound in a week! I am so happy she is finally gaining weight. Since she DIDN'T weigh her birth weight (she DID weigh more than what she did when we left hospital), her doc wants to see her next week to check her weight. She also grew about a half inch taller since birth. Everything else looks great she said.
Mommy update
So last Wednesday I woke up and noticed I was bleeding/oozing from my incision and freaked out. I called the after hours doctor and they said to cover it with gauze and call the doctors when they opened. We ended up able to get in right after Bailey's appointment which was good. She said it looked infected, gave me antibiotics and a dressings for Wes to change daily. I was hurting so bad, it was hard to walk so Wes put me on bed rest for the day. We went back two days later and saw a different doctor who said it looked a lot better. It has actually been feeling better but after taking Bailey around by myself yesterday with all the carrying of her car seat and lifting the stroller, I am feeling a bit sore today. Wes says the incision looks better, so lets hope I don't have to deal with that anymore.Hanging with Uncle Spidey and cousins Cade and Tessa

Bailey's cuteness
Bailey's cuteness
I know people will think we are lying but she is already showing us smiles! She probably doesn't know she is smiling but it is the cutest dang thing ever. Her facial expressions are the best, we are constantly staring at her and laughing at how silly she can be. Wes and her are so cute together and it puts a smile on my face every time I see them interacting.
Here are some pictures of our cute little Bailey in her 2nd week of life in this crazy world. I am already noticing her looking different and getting bigger!

Here are some pictures of our cute little Bailey in her 2nd week of life in this crazy world. I am already noticing her looking different and getting bigger!

Awesome update! LOL oh man...I'm sorry to laugh but I TOTALLY know those feelings of trying to just get out of the dang house, and it taking a stupid about of time. All I can say it that it gets better, by 4 weeks something magicial happens and things start to click, feedings get easier, sleeping is better, and general time management is working in your favor again. LOL I can't stop laughing, I HATE that feeling! It gets better! And all those pics are soooo cute!