Monday, August 9, 2010

Bailey's 1st week

We got home on Thursday afternoon which was a lot sooner than we thought since I had a c-section. Danny and Ali-Sun were there helping us at the hospital get ready to go. Ali-Sun had to leave to go home after being here for over a week. I am sooo grateful she was able to stay until Bailey was born, it truly meant a lot to me to have my sister there. When we got home, Danny came over to hang out with us for awhile before he had to drive back home, while we got settled in with Bailey. Pete of course has been over every day (except today) to see his favorite niece (his only niece..hehe). It has felt amazing to have my family around as well as the support of family who are too many miles away to be here right now. We are looking forward to having my parents come this week and Wes' parents next week.

So onto the how the baby is doing! Let me just say, this has been a week full of up's and downs, more downs than expected but ending on a wonderful up! Bailey's first night was VERY easy, not much crying and she slept for 3 hours at a time, we were so happy. I told Wes that this parenting stuff was pretty easy...boy did I speak waaaaay too soon because after that it went slowly down hill. Bailey started not sleeping at night in her bassinet, crying tons and not feeding very well. I am currently breast feeding and have been having the hardest time with it. During the days she was very happy and cried very little but feedings were horrible. I dreaded them, she fought them, I cried, and she screamed. I became very discouraged and upset with myself but told myself I wouldn't give up so soon, there had to be something I could do. It got to the point, she was not even sleeping at night at ALL! Last night she would only fall asleep on my chest, so Wes and I decided, after a 3 hour crying fit, that we would give in and let her sleep with me. She then slept for about 5 hours! We were very happy to finally get some sleep!

This morning was her first doctors appointment and she lost almost a pound :(. Hearing that was added to my already disappointment in myself. I tried hard not to cry and did pretty well until the pediatrician asked me to try and breast feed there. I did, with Bailey crying and fighting me, leaving me feeling upset, frustrated, and slightly embarrassed. The pediatrician was very good with me and my feelings and just told me she was going to make a call to the lactation consultant at the hospital since they offer free services if you delivered there. We headed over right away, back to the hospital and the same floor we lived on last week. It was fun seeing some of the nurses and them remembering us!

We went in and talked to a woman who is now one of my heroes! She asked me to try feeding and before we even started she stopped and told me what we needed to do. All we needed was a little ol' shield and viola...Bailey was a feeding champion without ANY tears or struggle! I don't think words can express how relieved and thankful I was, and still am. I no longer feel like a failure (I know, I know...I am a little hard on myself). She told us to up the fat in my diet so we get my fat content up in my milk and get her weight put back on. Now I can eat ice cream and not feel guilty!! Awesome! :). We came home and she been feeding just like she did at the hospital today. Wes and I are both all smiles today and very happy. I can now enjoy Bailey and not worry so much about what all I am doing wrong. She will be one week tomorrow so we have ended her 1st week in this crazy world on a very very happy and positive note. Let's hope I don't speak too soon and she keep us up ALL night.

Here are some pictures we have taken of her this week. Enjoy! Come back next week to see how her 2nd week of life goes.

Uncle Spidey and Bailey at the hospital the day after she was born

Uncle Danny and Bailey

Aunt Ali-Sun and Bailey

We are home sweet Bailey!!

Uncle Danny and Bailey before he went back home to Northern California

Check out those legs...looks like great legs for pole vaulting!

Nap time on the couch
Spending time with Uncle Spidey...his first time holding her. She already adores him!

She is wearing the outfit he got her

Me and Bailey

In her bouncer we just put together...she still needs to grow into it!

6 days old and going to the doctor for the first time!!
(Wes picked out the outfit)

In her swing...she still has a little growing to do. haha

In a food coma... she finally has a very full tummy!!

Me and Bailey about to update our blog for you!


  1. Great story and pics, breast feeding is very difficult your first time, don't be so hard on yourself, you are doing fine. These blogs are a great way to keep all of us informed, I love them. I know someone here in Rangely is going nuts! She is so excited to see you guys and little Bailey!

  2. I love the pictures. She is so adorable. You have put me in tears a couple of times, thinking about Wes and the great father and husband he is, its sometimes hard to think about when I remember him growing up. He's always been a great guy but now he has someone great to share his qualities with. And please don't be so hard on yourself. It's not fun to stress ALL the time. She is doing fine and its not uncommon for babies to lose weight. Hang in there, nursing is hard at first. I suggest doing what you and Bailey feel most comfortable with and stick with it. Good luck! Love all the pics and can't wait to see more. Bailey is one lucky girl to have such great loving parents.

  3. You are already such an amazing mom. Don't doubt yourself or worry. You guys are already such great parents!

  4. congrats, claire! thank you for sharing the downs, but more importantly the UPS! you two are awesome!!
