Sunday, January 26, 2014

Brooklyn's 1st Month

With Bailey, I was updating weekly or even daily on here. With Bailey AND Brooklyn, I am lucky if I can finish a cup of coffee in peace or even use the restroom more than once during the day! While Brooklyn is sleeping and Bailey is content watching a movie, I thought "Now I have my chance!". I wonder how long this post will sit in my blog as a "draft" before I can actually publish it.

Brooklyn is now a month old! That month FLEW by!! I went to my brother's house yesterday and the first thing my niece said (after the routine "Hi Aunt Hairy") was how big she has gotten. It made me go back into my pictures and she is right, Brooklyn is really growing. Makes me sad because these first weeks and months are so precious and special. I even have to go back to work in less than 4 weeks!! I am thankful that Brooklyn will be going to the same place as Bailey (our wallet will not be happy!), it will make leaving her a little bit easier.
Brooklyn and I have been doing better nursing than Bailey and I ever did. By this point with Bailey I was starting to just use the pump and only bottle feed Bailey. With Brooklyn, we are just now getting the hang of it and I don't have any intention of stopping any time soon! I am shocked I made it this far since I was having issues by the 2nd-3rd week. Thankful for my mommy friends who gave me the confidence to keep pushing through because it would get easier.

Brooklyn has been more alert lately and has started to check things out. She LOVES the black and white picture of Wes and I that we have on our wall (was also a favorite of Bailey's) and she loves reflections of light. She is sleeping a bit longer at night, which is nice! Her Newborn clothes are becoming a bit more snug, so it may be time to pull out the 3 month clothes *sniffle*.

Bailey loves her little sister and constantly wants to kiss her, poke her, give her toys, etc. Sometimes I have to remind her to be careful around her since she is still so little. The other day Bailey was getting upset and kept pushing toys at Brooklyn. I asked her what was going on and she said "I just want her to play with me!". She is so excited for her sister, that she doesn't understand that she needs to wait a bit before Brooklyn will be old enough to play with. By the time she is old enough, Bailey will probably be asking me to put her back into my belly.


She is a great helper!!

It has been so nice being home when Wes is home because we are able to do things as a family. This is a rare occasion since we have opposite schedules most of the year. Lately, we have been going on walks around the neighborhood in the afternoon. The other day we decided to go take a walk on a trail we went on years ago. It has been nice having such an easy recovery this time and able to be active! The weather has also been so warm, very Spring-like, so we have been able to get outside more. I got a new carrier to carry Brooklyn in and I LOVE it! So much more comfortable than other carriers I have used. It makes taking walks, so much more enjoyable.

Brooklyn is surrounded by some awesome family!


 Brooklyn's first bath!

 Some Brooklyn cuteness during her first month...


1 comment:

  1. she is so beautiful! i love seeing Bailey and Brooklyn together!! xoxo
