Sunday, May 27, 2012


Finally got a new camera, so I am back to taking pictures other than using my phone and iPod since I broke my other camera. Bailey is now 21 months (almost 22 months) and quickly approaching 2 years!! I can't believe it has already been almost 2 years since we brought our beautiful girl into this world.

Testing out the new camera. Bailey sees a camera now and says "cheese!" with this lovely face.

Getting ready for bed...

 Someone was tired!

Ready for bed!

Playing outside

Wes showing her how to use a frisbee

She never keeps anything in her hair. I thought I would try today and she was so happy to have her hair done. To my surprise, she kept it in until I took it out at bedtime! She even looked in the mirror and said "Pretty!". Hope I can keep doing things with her hair.

She is happy that "mama" let her play with her iPod.

Listening to music!


Bailey what does a train say? "Choo Choo!"

She loves playing with her baby.

Swing time!

Look what I made today. Decided to use some corks I have saved over the years to make a cork board.

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