Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cheesy Bailey

Bailey has been such a cheese ball this weekend. Last night we got home from daycare and she saw my camera and started doing her cheesy smile. Seems like everytime she sees the camera she does it.

She likes to get my magazines and sit and read them. I was watching her forever before taking this picture and it amazed me how she sat and would check out all the fun baby toys and really look at them. She wasn't ripping up the magazine at all. She is getting so big! She came to a page that had lotion on it so she was trying to get the lotion out of the bottle on the page and rubbed her hands together. Silly girl!

And this is why it is so hard for me to clean some days. She makes a mess like this right after!

Cheesy smile while reading her books with her favorite blankey.
I found her in her room sitting on her chair putting on a shoe (which she wore for the rest of the day), so I took some pictures...

Nose picking cheesy smiled girl

Bailey update at 19 months:

-Bailey calls the toilet a "potty"
-taps her chest when saying "thank you" (she also says thank you ALL the time) She has her signs mixed up, but we know what she means.
-Jumps off both feet. Doctor said she MAY do it by 2 years, she did it at about 18 months. She does it a lot more now and will do it on command.
-She still loves to dance!
-Tried to crawl out of her crib
-When Wes or I leave she says bye bye and will runt o the window to watch us out the window. She waves and blows kisses when we are in the car leaving. Makes it hard to leave!
-Says "ju" for juice.

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