Our little Peanut!
Bailey had her 9 month check up today since the doctor was out last week. Our pediatrician called her a peanut, which Wes has claimed is her new nick name :). She weighed in at 15 pounds 14 oz, which is exactly 2 pounds more than 6 months. She actually lost weight in the past week (I weighed her at home) which we think is from the teething and eating less. She is now napping longer and wanting to eat more formula (not so much solids still though), so I am sure she will start gaining more again. She also only grew about an inch since last time. The doctor wasn't concerned, but like I said...called her a peanut. She also commented that she will be an early walker and people will look at her funny since such a little baby will be walking. That's our girl, shocking the world! :)
Bailey's favorite thing about the doctors, other than not having to get shots, is the paper they put on the bench. I took some pictures of her on it, but she started to try to rip it up, so we took her off.

After we got home, Bailey was pushing the diaper box that we just got across the kitchen. I decided to try her on the walker she has but could never use independently. It turned out to be a success! I took this video the first time I put her on it!!
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