Three months ago today our lives changed for the best. The cutest and sweetest baby girl joined us in this world. Wes and I talk daily about how lucky we are and how amazing we think Bailey is. We love you Bailey Victoria!
Nothing too new to report on milestones, she is still working hard to roll over from her back to tummy. She was trying so hard today and when I helped her over, she totally smiled like she loved rolling over. We have been putting her in her new chair more and she is starting to play with the toys on it, very neat to watch her grow from day to day!
Enjoy the new pictures! By the way, I am completely obsessed with taking pictures of her every move and I have a hard time choosing which ones I want to put up. Also, click on the videos on the right side of the blog...I added some new ones!
Your little girl is so cute! I also have a 3 month old, he was born on July 22nd and he is my first :) I look forward to following your blog! Check mine out sometime!
awww.. she is just so adorable! i can see both your and Wes's faces in her now (depending on the picture)! =)