Bailey Victoria is now 6 weeks! She is amazing me everyday at how fast she is growing and learning. Bailey's smiles have gone from those smiles she gets when she has gas to true smiles. She smiles at me a lot when I change her and when we play. Daddy even got a smile today and I know it melts his heart just as much as it melts mine. She is starting to explore with her hands by grabbing at her blanket, ears, or just playing with them. Right now sitting here doing the blog she is sitting in her Boppy pillow on the couch and not sliding down like she used to. It's so neat to watch her check everything out and actually be able to focus on it. I make sure to always have my camera near by just in case she does something new...something I won't be able to do when I go back to work in two weeks.
O.K. Maybe that was a big excessive on the pictures but I couldn't help it...she is just so dang cute!
Well a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders...daycare. We have committed to a lady who watches about 6 or less kids at her home. Wes and I went over to the house and met with her last week and we really liked her, she seems to know what she is doing...always a good thing. Her house is small but cute and very dedicated to kids. The backyard has swings, cars, and a really cool treehouse (all of which Bailey is way too young for). Bailey will go to her on Mondays and Fridays while Wes will be home with her on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Thank goodness we only need two days because I don't know how we would afford a full week! This lady is also very flexible with my breaks that I take since I am year round. Now I have room to stress about something else...if it's not one thing, it's another.
Here is a picture of Bailey wearing the hat that matches the blanket my Aunt made for her.
SO CUTE!!! =)