This picture was taken in our backyard, I was playing with the self timer...came out pretty cute. Tucker was funny he totally came in the picture and was like "what are we looking at guys?", glad he made the picture. The right hand corner is the garden area in progress, which used to be a 4 foot deep hole not too long ago.
Here are some from our day trip to Tahoe. On the way up to the lake, Wes and I were talking about how it is silly we don't go up there more than we is soooo close! We also talked about how fun it would be to rent a cabin for a little bit in the summer and make it a yearly tradition, probably when Bailey is a little older and we have a little more money. I love the feeling of being up there, feels like we are in a completely different place and out of the typical daily Reno grind. Hopefully when Bailey is here we can go up there more with her so she can enjoy it. The water felt so good to walk through, wish I would have brought something to swim in!
This week has been a busy week and I have spent the last two days catching up on my rest, which apparently my body really has needed. On Thursday we went to the doctor and saw a nurse practitioner. They said I am a finger tip dilated (so about 1 cm) which is progress from the no dilation the week before, but we still have a long way to go. She also found that Bailey has decided to turn around and is now breech, and confirmed it with an ultra sound. She was head down at our ultra sound when I was 31 weeks. We are meeting with my doctor Monday morning, whom I haven't seen in a few weeks since she has been out, to discuss what that really means for the delivery. I am not wanting a C-section at all so hearing she is breech really upset me. I know it is not a huge deal to get a C-section, but the one thing that I really want is to do this as natural as possible. I have stopped worrying so much about it and been accepting that things will happen how they are supposed to. Wes thinks she may just turn around when she is ready to come out...hope he is right! I told Wes I picture her sitting with her arms and legs crossed saying "Nope I am not going ANYwhere!". She is already being defiant... ;)
Other than that, the ultrasound showed that we have a healthy little baby girl (yep still a girl!). I couldn't really see much at the angle she had the screen but Wes said he saw her hands and legs. My fluid in there is great and the nurse practitioner said she is about 6 pounds 10 oz (but that is not always accurate). It was nice to hear that she is bigger than I was when I was born (I was 4 pounds 10 oz). Yay for a healthy little girl!
Happy Anniversary last week! I'm sorry to hear about the baby being breech I know it is hard and I've never had to have a C-section but I know that when you see that sweet, healthy, beautiful girl everything will be just fine no matter how she gets here. Good luck and keep us posted. Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary! You guys make such a great couple! Claire, you are going to be such a great mom... I can't wait to meet little Bailey!