Thursday, June 24, 2010

40 days...

Feels like I haven't updated too much, so I will do a quick one today. I am currently 34 weeks and 2 days pregnant! It is crazy to me that she will be considered full term in about 3 weeks. We had a check up yesterday and Bailey decided to curl up in a ball or something because when I was on lying down on my back, my belly was lopsided with a huge mound on my left side. The doctor smiled and kept giggling about it. She said she was pretty sure her head was still down but she could possibly still flip around, I hope not. I go in 2 more weeks, then after that it is every week! So exciting, starting to get nervous since I have so much to do! I have to take so many breaks because even folding laundry makes me tired.

Wes and I got some things accomplished the past few days since I have been on break. We finally purchased our glider! It should be here about Thursday...I can't wait to put it in the room! We also got a little bookshelf for her room. I did her first load of laundry this week and let me tell is way more fun folding and putting away her clothes than my own (I am sure that feeling won't last forever though)! Now we are focusing on organizing the rest of the house while Wes works outside. We had a hole in the backyard for a pond but since we are adding sweet Bailey to our family, we decided to not get the pond going. Instead, he filled it in and is in the process of making a little garden area. When everything is done inside and outside, we will post some pictures!


  1. awe so awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing the pics!

  2. Sounds like everything is going well. I HATE folding baby clothes, it is so much harder. I'm glad you enjoy it. I can't wait to see pictures.
