I have decided to start a blog that our family and friends can follow, feeling more in touch with everyone while being hundreds of miles away.
As I sit here, I am 24 weeks pregnant...16 weeks to go (111 days to be exact)
We found out we were pregnant Nov. 22nd 2009 and couldn't believe it! I walked out of the bathroom while the test did its thing and actually forgot about it for a bit. When I went back in and saw the 2nd line, my jaw dropped. I had to wake up Wes to ask him to look at it since I had never seen a test say positive before! (I actually yelled and ran into the room and shook him out of bed). He thought it could be a false positive, so I did what any calm person would do...we went and bought about 4 more tests to make sure. As excited as we were, we were both trying not to get our hopes up so soon. At 6 weeks we saw the heart beat and it was the neatest thing ever! This is the night we decided to tell our parents, which was a great way to end that special day of seeing our baby for the first time. The day before my mom's 15th anniversary of her passing, we found out we are having a baby girl! In the ultrasound she was yawning and drinking (gross but cute!) and measuring about 5 days ahead. Our due date stays at August 3rd 2010. These are the ultra sound pictures from that day...20 weeks.
Then work on the nursery, which was our guest room/ office, began...
Thanks to Pam we have some great furniture for our nursery! Wes and I stand in awe of the room that will soon be home to our sweet baby girl.
I also found these on ebay for the switch and outlets since we are doing a Peter Rabbit/ Beatrix Potter theme
Hope you enjoy following us through this new chapter in our life.
SO cute, claire!! =)