On Sunday, Wes and I decided to get our registering out of the way at Baby's R Us. It surprisingly was more fun than when we registered for our wedding. I let Wes have the gun so he was occupied and he seemed to have fun with that. We both agreed that going and picking out all this baby stuff REALLY makes things so real. I can't believe in about 15 more weeks, we will meet our baby girl!
This was my first week back to work after having a month of and with day 2 down, I am exhausted! It is great seeing the kids again but my body is just not used to standing all day. Hearing the kids comments always makes it better though. My favorite so far was from one of the girls in my class. She raised her hand all shy and asked me, "Mrs. Williams, did you get your baby yet?". 1st graders say the cutest things some times, one of the perks to teaching.
That is about all there is to update for now... have a great week.