Thursday, December 1, 2011

Coloring fun!

Bailey has learned how to climb up on the kitchen chairs. Sometimes she will even try to climb onto the kitchen table from the chairs if we turn away for a second. I decided to grab her booster chair and have her sit in it and color. She was pretty occupied for a good 5-10 minutes with it, until she started drawing on the table, herself, and then eating the crayons.

Can you see the crayon on her face next to her mouth? yum!

Bailey was eating everything in sight tonight for dinner and if she didn't have food she would scream. While I was on the phone with my dad I gave her one of these pouches to keep her happy and quiet so I could hear my dad. First thing she did when I handed it to her was squeeze it! She has never squeezed these pouches. One thing I have learned from having a child...never say never!

Bailey now has 9 teeth (including 3 molars!) and on her way to cutting her 10th (4th molar). She has been completely OFF the pacifier for almost 2 weeks. She goes down easy at night, but only sleeps until 5:00am or so which is a an hour and a half earlier than before. The bad thing is, she doesn't NAP! She took a 20 minute nap today which led to a cranky Bailey for Wes all day. Let's hope she starts to nap again!