Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Little Bronco

We put Bailey in her Bronco PJ's that she got from her grandparents a while back. She hasn't really warn them since they were long on her...they still our. She has lots of growing room :). Even though I am a Raider's fan...she looks pretty darn cute!

I happened to wear my Raider PJ's too, so Wes wanted to get a shot of us together.

Tuesday swim update: Bailey was awesome at swim! I wanted to get her in the pool pretty quick so she could hang out on the step and play with the toys on the side. I think that helped ease her into it. She didn't cry at all (first time she hasn't cried)!! She went under for 2 seconds but the third time the instructor put her under to "swim" to us, it was a LONG 2 seconds. Maybe we will try 3 seconds next time if she acts like she did today. She is so funny when she comes out of the water, she is like a little fountain shooting water. She gets a bunch of water in her mouth when she goes under and spits it all out when she comes up. We were so happy she had such a great class!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Future drummer??

Wes and I played Rock Band on Wii last night (something we used to do very often before Bailey came into out lives), so Wes wanted to show Bailey the drums before he put them away this morning.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A visit with Bailey's Uncle/Godfather

Bailey is getting better at standing by herself. I was excited I got a picture of her doing it this morning. Go Bailey!
Uncle Spidey and Heidi were in the area, so they came by to hang out with Bailey...

"Look Mom, I have Uncle Spidey's phone!"

Bailey started to cry, Pete looks like he is freaking out! haha

Cute picture of the three of them...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

We love our happy Bailey!

Every time I see her smile, my heart melts and it makes me smile too. She is just such an amazing little being.

A little Diva!

For some reason, she LOVES Dora the Explorer. She was being fussy so I put Dora on for her on my computer while she ate a few puffs, and she was so happy. I don't like just putting her in front of the TV but for about 5-10 minutes it really made her happy. She actually STOOD there the whole time too, and was happy doing it.

She got fussy again so I gave her a frozen teether (which she never has really liked until tonight) and she was content with it for about 10 minutes. Her second tooth has cut through but not completely. She is such a trooper because she doesn't really act like she is in much pain. Looks painful to me!!

It is currently snowing at our house!!! When will it get warm so we can all go play at the park???

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Friday!

Bailey loves pushing her little walker around. I also love her little shirt I put her in, it is from my good friend Jenny.

Bailey was attacking me!!

Bailey's art project from daycare!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pretty girl!

I thought Bailey had cut her second tooth already but it looks like it hasn't fully cut through yet. I hope she sleeps well tonight because she hasn't been the happiest baby this evening. I was hoping to get a picture of her teeth but you can't see much. Just a cute Bailey up close!

Here is our pretty girl! She like hanging on the couch these days. She has even gotten really good at getting down all by herself by turning to her tummy and sliding down. Such a big girl!!

I quickly got video of Bailey playing pee-a-boo with her blanket. She loves that game!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Best Friends and our babies!

This picture is actually from yesterday after swim class, but she sent it today. This is of me and my friend Brandy, who I also team teach with, with Bailey and her son Kai!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our little fish

I am posting a few pictures that Wes took of Bailey on his phone today since I didn't get a chance to get any pictures of her on my camera.

Swim update: Bailey cried pretty bad when we got in the water and continued for about half of the class. Once I showed her to splash, she was happy and splashing all around. We didn't have her put on her goggles today since she just wants to rip them off right when they go on. We started with having her swim under for 1 second and then let her do 2 seconds the next two times. There is a part in the class that we put them on the edge of the pool and dunk them under so that they learn to feel what it is like to fall into the pool, then show them what to do. She didn't cry at all when she came back up! She also liked standing on the step in the pool while playing with the toys on the edge. I am glad she ended the class on a positive note! I think it was a pretty good class today! Yay for our little fish!

Uncle Spidey also came to watch her class. It was great to see him for a little bit!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Monday!

When I got home with Bailey, I wanted to make dinner quickly so we could eat as a family. Bailey had a little of the chicken from the Chicken Parmesan that I made. She looked very bored watching me make dinner.
Bailey kept putting her finger in her nose when she was eating her dinner. Bella thought she would join us for dinner too!

Before I put her in the jumperoo, she was in her pack n play blowing raspberries. Of course she kind of stopped once I was videoing her but then quickly started back up when I went back into the kitchen. Sorry if it is sideways and not the best quality since I took it with a different camera.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Becoming a little more independant

Bailey is such a big girl hanging out on the couch and feeding herself!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Silly Saturday

There are lots of pictures today, so enjoy!

I found her inside the bottom shelf that is in our entry way...

She is reading a book her Great Aunt Regina gave her...

Why sit next to the toy box, when you can sit in it???

Serious Bailey

Silly Bailey...

"Who should I call??" She was close to calling her Aunt Ali-Sun when I took this picture.

"Look over there Mom while I push this chair down the hall!"

"I'll give you back your phone if you give me your camera!"

Happy girl!

You are so silly Bailey!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Little Mama's Girl

Bailey and I were just hanging out together on the floor, so I decided to do a little photo shoot of us. I love my little girl so much!! Notice the cut on her forehead? She took a little header into the side of a cardboard page from one of her books. :( I am sure that is one of MANY cuts she will be getting (if she is anything like her mom and dad).

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bailey has discovered the freezer!

I opened the freezer to get out food for Bailey for dinner. She found the opportunity to get in there and start pulling stuff out.
She was trying to eat the bag to some of her food :)

Here is the quail nest that is in one of our planters. I was excited to get the planter ready to plant flowers in, but I guess I have to wait awhile. She has been laying about 1 egg a day and I read they can lay up to about 17 eggs! After that, then I guess they start to incubate the eggs for about a month. This is just one of about 4 or so nests around our house (one is even in our mailbox!).

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just a normal night at the Williams house

Eating broccoli...
Drinking the left over formula in her cup...

Finally got a picture of her first tooth!

Up close Bailey...

A new outfit from her Nana and Pops that they got in Hawaii!

Loved playing with her brush...