Monday, January 31, 2011

Growing girl and her play mat

Yesterday I took some pictures of Bailey on her play mat and started thinking about the first time I put her on it. I then decided comparison pictures of her on the play mat would be neat to see... so here ya go! I can't believe how much she has grown in a half a year!!

2 weeks....

This first one was her first time on the mat :)

3 months...

Yesterday at about 4 days shy of 6 months...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is somebody teething?

Bailey has been putting many things in her mouth the past couple of months, but I think now she is actually teething. She is very stuffed up and cranky. I thought I would keep my camera handy today and take pictures of all the things she decided to chew on. I got some other cute pictures, but may put those in a post tomorrow. Today we are focusing on Miss Bailey and her love of chewing on everything lately.
She started getting cranky again, so I sat her in the boppy pillow and gave her a blanket. This is what happened next.

My tired girl is still sleeping on the couch next to me. I love lazy Sundays (especially after a long morning of cleaning!).

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Two of my favorite things...

Today I went shopping with Bailey then came home to feed her and get ready to go back out. I took her to the Pole Vault Summit that is in Reno every year. I honestly haven't been to the summit since the last time I pole vaulted in college. It was really neat taking Bailey to see one of my favorite things, we had a nice time. I felt very nostalgic sitting in the place that was our indoor track when I was at Univ. of Nevada while watching the sport I did for so many years. I got to see two of my old coaches as well, which was nice. I also watched (then met after) the girl that beat my high school record at Notre Dame, she was a very sweet girl. There were actually 11 pits set up, this was just one small view of some of them.

Bailey was so into all the action, that she did not want to nap. Finally, I took her to a less crowded area where I could still watch some vaulters, and she finally fell asleep. It honestly was such a great feeling holding my sleeping baby girl while watching my favorite sport. I took this picture (as well as the one above) with my phone since I didn't want to wake Bailey up by digging into the diaper bag to get my camera.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bailey Spidey Friday

Pete had to get Bailey from daycare early because Deanna needed to go to her son's swim meet in Carson City and I couldn't get off work. I came home and Pete fed her, went to burp her, and she passed out on him. These two were so cute together today.

A few minutes later....

They both woke up and got comfy again...

Pete is such a great Uncle!...

Thanks Uncle Spidey for spending time with me. I am glad you got to rest a little and relax with us! Love, Bailey P.S. Napping with you is so nice!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our little family

I got home from work and Wes was talking about how sushi sounded good. I honestly did not feel like cooking and had also been craving yummy sushi. We NEVER do anything for US anymore, so we decided to get Bailey ready and head to dinner. She slept for the first 20 minutes or so, then woke up and started playing with her toys. She is so easy to take out, it is really nice. Wes and I really enjoyed our dinner...we certainly deserved it. I love our little family.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The love of a father

Bailey was a little better for Wes today. He put her in this outfit today and didn't notice (until after I got home) that he put on mismatched socks. :) The love of a father for his daughter is pretty priceless.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love from her grandparents :)

Today was better at work, but then I came home to a very fussy Bailey. Bailey gave Wes a hard time ALL day long, leaving him exhausted. She didn't nap well and cried when he wasn't holding her. This somewhat started last night at about ten o' clock when she woke up screaming. I hope she gets a better night sleep tonight. Bailey having a good night sleep = more sleep for us! I wanted to share pictures of Bailey in a onsie Wes' mom sent her. Rangely, CO is the town that Wes grew up in and where his parents still live. I am bummed that this is already getting too small for her! She is growing too fast. I wish we could freeze time at the age she is at now.

It says, "Somebody in Rangely, CO loves me!"

And I thought this picture came out pretty cool...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

Today wore me out! I came home with a raging headache and an over tired baby. Bailey is so into what all the other kids/babies are doing that she will not go to sleep at daycare. After her nap (which was too short) I brought her on the couch with me, hoping she would sleep a bit with me. Nope. So I decided I would take a picture of us cuddling for tonight's blog post.

She was all smiles tonight in her jumperoo after she had some peas! I was surprised that she ate the peas so fast, she actually seemed to like them.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A girl and her Polka Dots

I had to get out of the house yesterday for a bit, so me and Bailey ended up at the craft store. I saw this ribbon and had to have it! I also bought some headbands that already had some cheesy flowers on them. So, this morning I made her a bow out of the new ribbon, ripped off the cheesy flower and put it on the new headband. I love this little bow...very excited about it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New headbands from Hello, Charlotte James!

I have been part of a group of women who were also due in August. We have all (well most of us) been talking since about November of 2009! These women are amazing and a great support to have. One of the girls just started an shop on Etsy called Hello, Charlotte James. I just ordered two headbands from her and I already want more, they are so fun! The bands also do not dig into Bailey's head, making for a happy mama! I took SO many pictures and could only narrow it down to these. Bailey and I had fun looking at The Hungry Caterpillar book and taking pictures this morning.

3 felt flower headband from HCJ
(This one is going to be perfect for Valentine's Day!)

This is such a cute flower it!

Thanks Kim for Bailey's headbands!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A much needed Friday!

Well, I think I lost the fight to this little bug. I was feeling pretty good this morning, but then it hit me bad when I got home from work. I ended up going to bed early while Wes got Bailey fed and put in bed, it was VERY helpful of him. So, now I am up...and no, not to update this! I am up for another reason, but figured I have a few minutes to update. I AM trying to do this daily, didn't want to stop now! I know I am nuts, but so far so good! I was NOT in the mood to take pictures tonight, so the only one I did happen to take was one of Bailey on my phone before we left for daycare. I sure hope Bailey doesn't get sick! I am so glad I can just relax tomorrow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Magic Pink Blanket

Bailey is another step closer to being a crawler!!! She is starting to get some redness on her knees from it, so crazy! I guess now it is REALLY time to buy those gates. I was going to put the video up but then I started taking pictures of her and wanted to include those. Tomorrow is Friday and I think I am coming down with yet ANOTHER bug. I used to get sick once or twice a year, now I get sick once every two or so is no fun! Cross your fingers Bailey sneaks by without getting it.

Bailey passed out while eating, I think her trying to crawl is wearing her out! I love holding a sweet sleeping Bailey!

Crawling with daddy...

Here are some pictures of Bailey with her "magic" blanket. I call it this because when she is fussy and not wanting to nap, we give her this blanket. She will then cuddle up with it and fall asleep looking all cozy. This is by far her favorite blanket. There must be something about pink blankets because I have one that I HAVE to sleep with and I call it "pink blanket". I think Wes thinks I am nuts that I am 28 with a pink blanket I can't sleep without.

She was watching Jeopardy in this first one, she loves that show!